Join us! share house

The share house to choose! Private working space and women only floor.

Tobunerima, which has recently been completely renewed, opens in April 2021 with a new concept, in which rooms in the second floor are coordinated with a private separate studio. The way to use your second room is up to you and it can be also used as a second storage room. While third floor is a mixed floor, the fourth floor is designed as an independent women only share house with six private rooms. Freshroom is keeping reinventing living spaces to make your life better!

The share house to choose! Private working space and women only floor.

Property Details

[Property Name] FR TOBU NERIMAⅠ
[Nearest station] Tobu tojyo Line Tobu Nerima Sta. (5mins by walk)
[The conditions] Men: OK Women: OK Foreigners: OK
Japanese residents: ID, emergency contact information. Foreigners: Passport; alien registration card; Japanese language ability for daily conversation, reading and writing, or English language ability for daily conversation, reading and writing; domestic emergency contact information.
[Management] Cleaning Staff will clean 2times/week for common space.
Patrol management by our staff.
[House rule] No smoking on the premises. Overnight guests not allowed. Residents take turns throwing out garbage from shared areas.
[Initial cost] ◆Deposit 50,000yen(On your check out 20,000yen depreciation)◆Initial Month rent ◆initial common service fee 12,000yen ※ Rent and common area expenses are prorated in case of check-in after the 2nd ※ Fire insurance participation is optional
[Equipment list]
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi
Auto lock Auto lock
Washlet Toilet(Washlet)
Shower Shower
[Other facility] IH cooking heater for kitchen.
Kettle, microwave, toaster, rice cooker and all other basic cooking tools to be shared. 4 toilets (2 for female only), 2 showers for male
3 showers for female, 3 washers and 3 dryers.

List of rooms List of rooms

※Vacancy expected: set to vacate within a month (contact for details)

About common area About common area